Specific diseases which came in India from other countries
- Bubonic plague is a deadly flea-borne diseases which is caused by entero bacteria Yersinia pestis.
- Primarily, spread by fleas that lived on the black rat (an animal that originated in South Asia) and spread to Europe by the sixth century.
- Symptoms: swelling of lymph node accompanied by a high fever and within 4 to 7 days of infection more than half of the victims would die.
- The first outbreak of plague occur in China spread in two countries around the Indian Ocean Red Sea and Mediterranean.
- Highly contagious airborne virus spread by contact with oral and nasal fluids.
- Incubation period is 4 to 12 days.
- Symptoms - runny nose, cough, red eyes, extreme high fever and rashes.
- Measles is an endemic disease means it is present in a community. In 1529 outbreak in Mexico killed two third of the population . in 1963 ,vaccine decline the number of reported occurrences by 98%.
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