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🤩 In winter there is less loss of water through sweat as a result of bodies osmoregulatory mechanism the kidney produces more volume of urine as a result of which we pass more urine during winter and wet seasons.
😇 Urination of adults as well as in infants is controlled by neutral circuits which is very complex and highly distributed as it involves pathway at many levels of brain ,spinal cord and peripheral nervous system and is mediated by multiple neurotransmitter .But in infants, this neutral circuit is not well developed up to age of 3 to 5 years .Therefore in infants urination or occurs involuntarily.
😢What causes decreased urination?
🤮 Dehydration due to vomiting diarrhoea or fever and a simultaneous lack of adequate fluid intake.
🥵Total urinary tract obstruction due to enlarge prostate prostate.
😱 Severe infection leading to shock.
🤢 Kidney inflammation or damage.
👩💻 How does temperature affect urine production?
🤮🤧 When we are exposed to cold temperature our blood vessels constrict in order to concentrate blood flow and more blood is pumped through our body. So more urine is produced when body is exposed to cold temperature.
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